I decided to move all my imagery for each year for each planet into a single blog post for that year. Here are the Jupiter images from 2019. All the images were taken through a Celestron C6 using a Canon SL2 DSLR camera. Data was processed using PIPP to process and convert the raw camera video, AutoStakkert to stack the video frames, Registax to sharpen the image using wavelets, Pixelmator to adjust color, contrast, etc, and finally, Topaz DeNoise (in recent images) to help remove lingering noise. I'm currently processing all data on a 2016 12" Macbook with PIPP, AutoStakkert, and Registax (which are PC programs) running on the Mac using WineBottler.

August 7, 2019
My last image of Jupiter for 2019.
Canon SL2 with C6 at ISO 800, 1/125th sec shutter speed, 2x and 1.6x barlows and 5x digital zoom. 1 minute 1080p video at 29.97fps stacked in AutoStakkert and Sharpened in Registax.

August 4, 2019
Canon SL2 with C6 at ISO 200, 1/30th sec shutter speed, 2x and 1.6x barlows and 3x digital zoom. 1 minute 1080p video at 29.97fps stacked in AutoStakkert and Sharpened in Registax.

Another image from the same evening.
Canon SL2 with C6 at ISO 800, 1/30th sec shutter speed, 2x and 1.6x barlows and 5x digital zoom. 1 minute 1080p video at 29.97fps stacked in AutoStakkert and Sharpened in Registax.
July 27, 2019
I captured an animation of Jupiter on the evening of July 27th, 2019 (4 UTC on the 28th) with Io and Io's shadow passing in front of Jupiter. The loop is from approximately 9:30-11:30 CDT on 27 July 2019 (2:30-4:30 UTC on July 28th). Here is a single frame with the description followed by the actual animation.

July 19, 2019
This was my first attempt at capturing an animation of Jupiter. First, here is the best single image from around 10 pm CDT 19, July 2019.
The animation below consists of 13 images taken about 5 minutes apart. Each image is stacked and processed from one minute of video taken with a Canon SL2 attached to a C6 with 2x and 1.6x barlow lenses.

June 29, 2019
My best image from June 29, 2019. Canon SL2 attached to a C6 with 2x and 1.6x barlow lenses.